Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:2793 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
DECREE:VOL:9 PAGE:79 [ SILVIES RIVER, 1926 ] * R DANBY SILVIES RIVER, 1926 12/31/1905 NC IR 16.00S-31.00E-18-NENE  30.0000
12/31/1904 NC IR 16.00S-31.00E-07-SESE  20.0000
12/31/1905 NC IR 16.00S-31.00E-07-SESE  20.0000
12/31/1904 NC IR 16.00S-31.00E-07-SENW  30.0000
IR 16.00S-31.00E-07-NWSE  35.0000
IR 16.00S-31.00E-07-NESW  15.0000
APP: IS 71472 * OREGON DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE IS-71472 3/28/1991 NC F3 16.00S-31.00E-07-SWSE   
F3 16.00S-31.00E-18-NENE   
F3 16.00S-31.00E-06-SWSW   
F3 16.00S-31.00E-07-SESE   
F3 16.00S-31.00E-07-SENW   
F3 16.00S-31.00E-07-NWSE   
F3 16.00S-31.00E-07-NESW