Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:2934 CR CN

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:89088 CF * WARREN TAYLOR UMATILLA RIVER 89088 5/31/1909 NC DO 02.00N-31.00E-13-NESW37  
IR 02.00N-31.00E-13-NESW37 2.0000
LV 02.00N-31.00E-13-NESW37  
CERT:41254 OR * G-3965 G-3742 41254 6/13/1967 NC IS 02.00N-31.00E-13-NESW37 4.0000
IS 02.00N-31.00E-13-NESW 54.8000
CERT:89089 CF * US BUREAU OF RECLAMATION; PACIFIC NW REGION S-9668 S-7400 89089 7/1/1924 NC IS 02.00N-31.00E-13-NESW37 2.0000
CERT:41258 OR * JOHNS SMITH AND BEAMER S-39630 S-29330 41258 3/11/1964 NC IR 02.00N-31.00E-13-NESW37 3.2000
IR 02.00N-31.00E-13-NESW3754.5000