Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:4399 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:94260 OR * BRAD ALLEN G-14249 G-12887 94260 1/31/1996 NC IR 08.00S-39.00E-10-SWNE  13.6000
IR 08.00S-39.00E-10-SENW  32.2000
CERT:95285 OR * DAVID JESS BLATCHFORD G-16555 G-16104 95285 10/20/2005 NC IR 08.00S-39.00E-10-NWNE  0.5000
IR 08.00S-39.00E-10-NENW  28.0000
IS 08.00S-39.00E-10-SWNE  13.6000
IS 08.00S-39.00E-10-SENW  40.0000
CERT:38008 OR * EMIL L KIPLING S-41582 S-31015 38008 11/5/1965 NC IR 08.00S-39.00E-03-SESW  11.5000
CERT:73999 CF * BAKER VALLEY IRRIGATION DISTRICT S-62167 S-50696 73999 4/26/1982 NC IS 08.00S-39.00E-10-NWNE  37.0000
IS 08.00S-39.00E-10-NENW  2.0000
IS 08.00S-39.00E-03-SWSE  20.0000
IS 08.00S-39.00E-03-SESW  7.0000
IS 08.00S-39.00E-10-SWNE  18.0000