Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:22803 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:30999 OR * MULTNOMAH KENNEL CLUB G-946 G-1316 30999 4/22/1958 NC CM 01.00N-03.00E-34-NWNW41  
IR 01.00N-03.00E-34-NWNW41 3.6000
CERT:19502 OR * C.H. STONE S-19225 S-14814 19502 3/24/1941 NC IR 01.00N-03.00E-34-NWNW38 2.9000
CERT:23513 OR * J B WHALLEY S-25633 S-20231 23513 2/9/1951 NC IS 01.00N-03.00E-34-NWNW38 2.9000
CERT:22802 OR * MOLLERS NURSERY INC. S-26112 S-20579 22802 6/28/1951 NC IR 01.00N-03.00E-34-NWNW41 7.8000
CERT:23573 OR * C STONE S-26674 S-20887 23573 11/29/1951 NC IR 01.00N-03.00E-34-NWNW38 1.8000