Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:23530 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
APP: P 74722 * MURPHY CLARK P-74722 10/14/1994 NC LV 36.00S-01.00E-28-    
CERT:23529 OR * VICTOR E GARDENER R-24277 R-1184 23529 11/17/1949 NC ST 36.00S-01.00E-28-SWNW   
CERT:69339 OR * MURPHY CLARK R-74909 69339 1/1/1993 NC LV 36.00S-01.00E-29-SWNW   
LV 36.00S-01.00E-29-NWNW   
LV 36.00S-01.00E-29-NWSE   
CERT:73974 OR * MURPHY CLARK S-39022 S-29067 73974 8/23/1963 NC IR 36.00S-01.00E-28-SWNW  5.2000
IR 36.00S-01.00E-29-SENE  1.4000
IR 36.00S-01.00E-29-NESE  15.4000
IR 36.00S-01.00E-29-SWNE  10.8000
IR 36.00S-01.00E-29-NWSE  20.4000