Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:27924 (B 106 RR) *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:83949 ( RR) * F LOCKWOOD EAST MUD CREEK 83949 12/31/1888 NC DO 06.00N-35.00E-17-SWNE   
DO 06.00N-35.00E-17-SENW   
IR 06.00N-35.00E-17-SWNE  15.0000
IR 06.00N-35.00E-17-SENW  20.0000
CERT:27004 OR * ALVIN R ZICKUHR G-1226 G-1117 27004 8/28/1958 NC IS 06.00N-35.00E-17-SWNE  17.0000
IS 06.00N-35.00E-17-SENW  4.8000
CERT:44998 OR * ROBERT D BURGGRAFF JR G-5228 G-5086 44998 12/4/1970 NC IS 06.00N-35.00E-17-SENW  6.3000
CERT:83905 ( RR) * F LOCKWOOD S-11580 S-8023 83905 6/23/1927 NC IR 06.00N-35.00E-17-SWNE  5.0000
IR 06.00N-35.00E-17-SENW  7.0000
CERT:27429 OR * FRANK M LOCKWOOD U-719 U-640 27429 6/7/1954 NC IR 06.00N-35.00E-17-SWNE  2.0000