Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:29462 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:29576 OR * AMMON ADAMS G-1668 G-1526 29576 1/15/1960 NC IR 05.00S-03.00W-02-SENW68 15.3000
IR 05.00S-03.00W-02-SWNW68 20.8000
IR 05.00S-03.00W-03-SENE68 3.2000
PERMIT: G 11557 * NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES FLCA G-12178 G-11557 7/17/1990 NC IR 05.00S-03.00W-02-SENW  11.5000
IR 05.00S-03.00W-02-SWNW  14.9000
IR 05.00S-03.00W-03-SENE  3.2000
CERT:16903 OR * JESSIE E THOMAS S-20658 S-16159 16903 1/26/1945 NC IR 05.00S-03.00W-03-SENE52 10.0000
CERT:80619 CF * OREGON WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT S-47069 S-35203 80619 6/11/1970 NC F4 05.00S-03.00W-02-NESW