Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:29554 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
APP: IS 89667 * ANNE HAYDEN-LESMEISTER IS-89667 8/14/2024 NC F4 17.00S-06.00W-33-SESE   
F4 17.00S-06.00W-33-SWSE   
APP: P 78442 * ALFRED A GARGIULO P-78442 12/15/1994 NC LV 17.00S-06.00W-33-    
LV 17.00S-06.00W-33-    
APP: P 79491 * ANN A RUSTAD P-79491 12/8/1994 NC LV 17.00S-06.00W-33-    
LV 17.00S-06.00W-33-    
CERT:29544 OR * ALEXANDER J BEOKA S-29627 S-23339 29544 12/14/1954 NC IR 17.00S-06.00W-33-SWSE  5.0000
CERT:43387 OR * ALBERT O RUSTAD S-47796 S-35808 43387 12/16/1970 NC IR 17.00S-06.00W-33-SESE  4.4000