Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:34583 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:31618 OR * WILLAMETTE LUTHERAN HOMES INC. G-2332 G-2155 31618 5/21/1962 NC DO 06.00S-03.00W-23-SWSW   
DO 06.00S-03.00W-23-NWSW   
DO 06.00S-03.00W-23-SESW   
CERT:88131 CF * VELAN CHAPIN S-30514 S-24025 88131 1/19/1956 NC IR 06.00S-03.00W-23-NWSW  5.8000
CERT:23836 OR * MARLIN SCHAAD S-31328 S-24690 23836 1/29/1957 NC IR 06.00S-03.00W-23-SWSW  15.0000
IR 06.00S-03.00W-23-SESW  13.5000
CERT:31123 ( RR) * WILLAMETTE LUTHERAN HOMES INC. S-31379 S-24741 31123 2/25/1957 NC IR 06.00S-03.00W-23-SWSW  2.6000
IR 06.00S-03.00W-23-NWSW  12.2000