Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:36895 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:21732 OR * EZRA B BENEDICT S-20845 S-16462 21732 7/27/1945 NC DI 07.00S-10.00W-06-NWSW   
DI 07.00S-11.00W-01-NESE   
CERT:33350 OR * W.C. KIVETT S-33971 S-26778 33350 5/19/1960 NC IR 07.00S-10.00W-06-NWSW  3.7000
CERT:40203 OR * W C/R L KIVETT S-44005 S-32896 40203 1/18/1968 NC DO 07.00S-10.00W-06-NWSW 6 
CERT:48383 OR * STEPHEN F SAUER S-45829 S-34199 48383 3/4/1969 NC ID 07.00S-10.00W-06-NWSW 60.9000
CERT:45678 OR * R.L. KIVETT S-48777 S-36574 45678 10/12/1971 NC DI 07.00S-10.00W-06-NWSW   
CERT:62067 OR * ALBERT L HUDSON S-61058 S-45499 62067 12/9/1980 NC IR 07.00S-11.00W-01-NESE  0.3000