Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:37654 ( RR) *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:44839 OR * CHASE GARDENS INC. G-5542 G-5165 44839 6/8/1971 NC CM 17.00S-03.00W-28-SESW57  
CM 17.00S-03.00W-28-SWSE57  
IR 17.00S-03.00W-28-SWSE57 6.7000
IR 17.00S-03.00W-28-SWSW 30.5000
IR 17.00S-03.00W-28-SESW57 6.2000
IS 17.00S-03.00W-28-SESW 35.6000
IS 17.00S-03.00W-28-SESW57 14.8000
IS 17.00S-03.00W-28-SWSE57 21.8000
CERT:63728 OR * ROBERT A MELTEBEKE S-54741 S-41064 63728 9/2/1976 NC IR 17.00S-03.00W-28-SWSW 30.6000
IR 17.00S-03.00W-28-SESW 32.9000