Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:40167 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:49575 OR * HUBERT S BERNARDS YAMHILL RIVER 49575 3/1/1901 NC LV 04.00S-04.00W-08-NESE66  
APP: IS 89630 * SPENCER SAWASKE IS-89630 7/10/2024 NC F4 04.00S-04.00W-09-NWSW   
F4 04.00S-04.00W-08-NESE   
CERT:21481 OR * H A LARSEN S-26178 S-20429 21481 7/10/1951 NC IR 04.00S-04.00W-09-NWSW  2.0000
CERT:22361 OR * O C YOCOM S-26509 S-20777 22361 9/26/1951 NC IR 04.00S-04.00W-09-NWSW66 12.6000
CERT:61835 OR * WILLIAM M BYERLEY S-63854 S-47042 61835 8/19/1982 NC IR 04.00S-04.00W-09-NWSW66 1.0000