Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:40338 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:89481 OR * W M ADAIR G-13612 G-11988 89481 1/31/1994 NC IR 03.00S-03.00W-35-NWSE70 2.2000
CERT:16780 OR * FRANCIS A BUCKLEY S-21137 S-16566 16780 9/4/1945 NC IR 03.00S-03.00W-35-NWSE71 8.2000
CERT:16823 OR * FRANCIS A BUCKLEY S-21882 S-17205 16823 8/15/1946 NC IR 03.00S-03.00W-35-NWSE71 4.0000
IR 03.00S-03.00W-35-NWSE  8.0000
CERT:26117 OR * FRANCIS A BUCKLEY S-26412 S-20717 26117 9/6/1951 NC IR 03.00S-03.00W-35-NWSE 81.4000
CERT:40339 OR * RALPH DUNFORD S-45220 S-33777 40339 7/24/1968 NC IS 03.00S-03.00W-35-NWSE 89.4000
IS 03.00S-03.00W-35-NWSE71 11.1000
CERT:84526 OR * RICK HOAR S-69598 S-50856 84526 1/12/1990 NC LV 03.00S-03.00W-35-NWSE71