Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:40397 (T 2794 RR) CN

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:85706 CF * GERALD ASHBECK UMATILLA RIVER 85706 12/31/1873 NC DO 02.00N-27.00E-27-NWSW   
IR 02.00N-27.00E-27-NWSW  13.4000
LV 02.00N-27.00E-27-NWSW   
CERT:81062 ( RR) * GERALD ASHBECK G-4073 G-3816 81062 9/11/1967 NC IS 02.00N-27.00E-27-NWSW  12.2000
APP: S 89258 * JAKE MADISON S-89258 8/12/2022 NC IR 02.00N-27.00E-27-NWSW  40.2000
APP: S 89259 * MID-COLUMBIA WATER COMMISSION S-89259 8/12/2022 NC IR 02.00N-27.00E-27-NWSW  40.2000