Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:41026 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:75454 (T 7527 RR) * MAXWELL IRRIGATION CO. UMATILLA RIVER 75454 9/11/1894 NC I* 04.00N-29.00E-32-NWSE  20.0000
CERT:41150 OR * SHIRLEY DAGGETT G-4478 G-4220 41150 7/3/1968 NC IR 04.00N-29.00E-32-NWSE  2.4000
PERMIT: S 55114 * EAST IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT S-88206 S-55114 4/8/2016 NC IR 04.00N-29.00E-32-NWSE  39.9100
PERMIT: S 55263 * EAST IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT S-88286 S-55263 9/12/2016 NC IR 04.00N-29.00E-32-NWSE  39.9100
PERMIT: S 55167 * EAST IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT S-88287 S-55167 9/12/2016 NC IR 04.00N-29.00E-32-NWSE  39.9100
PERMIT: S 55262 * EAST IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT S-88290 S-55262 9/12/2016 NC IR 04.00N-29.00E-32-NWSE  39.9100