Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:43035 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
PERMIT: G 1389 * COOS BAY NORTH BEND WATER BOARD G-200 G-1389 1/3/1956 NC IM 25.00S-12.00W-31-SWNW   
IM 25.00S-12.00W-31-NWSW   
CERT:96249 OR * OREGON WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT IS-89070 96249 11/30/2020 NC F4 25.00S-12.00W-31-SWNW   
F4 25.00S-12.00W-31-NWSW   
CERT:43034 OR * WARREN T BRAINARD R-48659 R-5901 43034 2/14/1972 NC DO 25.00S-12.00W-31-SWNW 11 
CERT:53688 OR * TERRY WEAVER S-53999 S-40265 53688 3/9/1976 NC IR 25.00S-12.00W-31-SWNW 110.4000
CERT:76457 OR * D J SMITH S-72890 S-51568 76457 10/19/1992 NC DN 25.00S-12.00W-31-NWSW 12