Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:45154 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:16169 OR * AGNES E FAHS ROGUE RIVER FINAL DECREE 16169 12/31/1901 NC I* 36.00S-04.00W-31-SENW  1.5000
CERT:41220 OR * DAVID/GERTRUDE REED G-4979 G-4645 41220 9/4/1969 NC IR 36.00S-04.00W-31-SENW  0.4000
CERT:45155 OR * DAVID A REED S-47681 S-35674 45155 10/30/1970 NC IR 36.00S-04.00W-31-SENW  0.2000
IS 36.00S-04.00W-31-SENW  0.4000
CERT:41236 OR * ROBERT E HOWE S-48271 S-35265 41236 5/27/1971 NC DO 36.00S-04.00W-31-SENW   
CERT:89580 OR * U.S. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT S-72386 S-53322 89580 5/4/1992 NC IM 36.00S-04.00W-31-SENW