Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:45789 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:237 OR * THOS MARLATT WILLOW CREEK, GILLIAM AND MORROW, 1910 237 12/31/1889 NC DO 02.00S-26.00E-26-SWSE   
DO 02.00S-26.00E-26-SESW   
CERT:232 OR * GEO CURRIN WILLOW CREEK, GILLIAM AND MORROW, 1910 232 4/30/1908 NC IR 02.00S-26.00E-26-SWSE  5.0000
CERT:237 OR * THOS MARLATT WILLOW CREEK, GILLIAM AND MORROW, 1910 237 12/31/1889 NC IR 02.00S-26.00E-26-SWSE  3.0000
IR 02.00S-26.00E-26-SESW  6.0000
CERT:242 OR * GEO PERRY WILLOW CREEK, GILLIAM AND MORROW, 1910 242 12/31/1894 NC IR 02.00S-26.00E-26-SESW  3.3300