| Application: G 12595 |
| | Staff Person Responsible: no caseworker currently assigned |
| | Received: 6/28/1991 |
| | Signature: 6/21/1995 |
| | |
Extension Application Received | 12/21/1998 | | ANN REECE | Extension PFO 315 Issued | 6/22/1999 | Propose to Approve | ANN REECE | CBU Received | 10/1/1999 | | LELAND L MYERS | Completion Date [C Date] | 10/1/1999 | | | Extension FO Issued | 4/18/2000 | | |
| Status: Non-Cancelled |
| County: Malheur |
| Basin: Malheur |
| File Folder Location: Salem |
| | Description |
| | | T-R-S-QQ: 16.00S-43.00E-11-SE SW |
| | | Location Description: 410 FEET NORTH AND 1420 FEET EAST FROM SW CORNER, SECTION 11 | |
| | POD Rate |
| | POD Pump Test |
| | | |
09/08/2018 | 10/05/2018 | Approved | None | 08/24/2018 | Single-Well Pump Test | MALH0002587 |
| | | |
6/28/1991 | 1.24 | 1.24 | | | | 1/80 | 3.00000 | 3/1 | 10/31 | 2/15 9/1 |