| Application: R 16941 |
| | Staff Person Responsible: no caseworker currently assigned |
| | Received: 6/16/1937 |
| | Signature: 7/29/1937 |
| | Staff Person Responsible: no caseworker currently assigned |
| | Signature: 6/30/1950 |
| | Type: Original |
| Status: Non-Cancelled |
| County: Curry |
| Basin: South Coast |
| File Folder Location: Salem |
| | Description |
| | | T-R-S-QQ: 41.00S-13.00W-23-NW SE |
| | | Location Description: NONE GIVEN | |
| | POD Rate |
| | | |
6/16/1937 | | | 0.03 | 0.015(est) | | | | 1/1 | 12/31 | RATE LISTED AS NOT TO EXCEED 10000 GALLONS. |
| | | |
6/16/1937 | | | 0.03 | 0.015(est) | | | | 1/1 | 12/31 | RATE LISTED AS NOT TO EXCEED 10000 GALLONS. |
| | Reservoir |
| | | | Dam Location |