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 Sally Bang Dear Watermaster, I OPPOSE Permit S 54599 for South Coast Water District's application. It is not in the best interest of all citizens of Dunes City to grant South Coast Water District a permit to extract water from Woahink Lake. An Impact study must be conducted before any decisions are made for water right privileges. Anyone drawing water from any lake has a challenge with filteration. We spend lots of time, money and effort cleaning our Woahink water from our Water Rights. It is always dirty and at times, it can be quite muddy. The extraction sight proposed by South Coast is in the same area as ours. Simply stated, South Coast just needs to filter their own water on Siltcoos and leave everyone elses water alone. Apparently, there isn't anything wrong with their water source because they want to keep the Siltcoos Water Rights even if they gain Woahink Water Rights. I request the DENIAL of Permit S 54599 for South Coast Water District and feel it's mandatory the both, Woahink Lake and Siltcoos Lake to have current Impact Studies if there is any chance of considering this permit request. Sincerely, Sally Bang
 Charles Bang anuary 15, 2018 Dear Watermaster, I urge you to DENY Permit S 54599 for South Coast Water Company 's request for extraction from Woahink Lake. Dune City is in peril! Over the past two years our citizens have been denied input by elimination of our Citizens Committees and Groups. Both the City Council and the Planning Committee refuse to have meaningful exchanges with any citizens except for 20 minutes, once a month, to be shared with all citizen speakers. At the most you may only get a maximum of 3 minutes of speaking to a non attentive and disinterested authority group. Citizens have been kept in complete darkness. With this approach, they are able to impose policies and destabilizing our City without the citizens knowing what is going on and destroying our quality of life we have fought so hard for. They have encouraged the establishment of Huge Tier II marijuana grows in our R-1 residential zones claiming it is just another agricultural crop like berries. They refuse to abide by our comprehensive Plan and State Laws and we are unprotected from this crime culture since we have no police. This new Woahink Water application is once again, like other issues, secretly executed without citizen knowledge or input. We are lucky to have YOU as our protection against this ridiculous WATER GRAB. I know of an attempt by the City Manager to use “The Sky is Falling Tactics” to try to gain “emergency” access to using water from Woahink Lake. This was while undergoing a normal Siltcoos Lake water level drop, during a routine Dam maintenance period. There is probably nothing wrong with the water source on Siltcoos. South Coast doesn't want to give it up even if it can get Woahink water. If it's bad, why wouldn't they get rid of it? There needs to be an impact study on Siltcoos done by reliable methodology. Woahink hasn't had an Impact Study done since the 60's and many things have changed. Adding any additional demand on its water resource could be BAD. A new impact statement is a MUST! Our properties have had water rights since the 50's and 70'. Very few of the people holding Water Rights on Woahink Lake are aware of this application. It was only brought up last week at the Dune City Council meeting where it was quickly, without any citizen input and questions, voted through. Currently, in Dunes City, the City Manager calls the shots and all the rest follow in subservience. I understand she has a history of assistance in water grabs in another state. I urge you to protect our resources and DENY Permit S 54599. Sincerely, Charles Bang PO Box 2779 Florence, Or 97439
 Burney MooreHabitat for Humanity RestoreI STRONGLY DISAGREE to South Coast Water District permit S 54599. Robbing water from Peter to pay Paul or from Woahink to supply Siltcoos is never a good idea. Our water levels are already impacted by the weather and taking more water out to help these new users could have an impact on the quality and availability of decent water for those already using it. Until there is more study about the long term impacts and reassurances that there would be proper controls on the amounts of usage I believe this permit should be denied.
 Van Til Douglas Dear Watermaster: I write to you to voice my STRONG DISAGREEMENT to South Coast Water District Permit: S 54599. The significant impact of approving this permit results in the destruction of water quality guarantees for Woahink Lake and the resulting degradation of the surrounding susceptible watershed. I urge the Watermaster to deny Permit: S 54599. A major purpose of our city’s Comprehensive Plan is to ensure the logical and orderly use of Woahink Lake water rights with respect to the desire of its people to guarantee the water quality of its lakes. Specifically, our Comprehensive Plan requires water quality guarantees be applied equally to all lakes in Dunes City. The approval of this permit contributes to an extremely UNFAIR implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and expressly favors one lake above another (Siltcoos versus Woahink). The use of Woahink Lake water rights was NEVER brought before the Dunes City Planning Commission. Neither Dunes City citizens nor the Planning Commission were EVER informed of the furtherance of this permit by city staff. There is a strong and direct conflict of interest with certain Dune City staff members who directly benefit from promoting this permit. I urge the Watermaster to DENY Permit: S 54599. Thank you for your consideration.
 Van Til Jennifer Dear Watermaster: I write to you to voice my STRONG DISAGREEMENT to South Coast Water District Permit: S 54599. The significant impact of approving this permit results in the destruction of water quality guarantees for Woahink Lake and the resulting degradation of the surrounding susceptible watershed. I urge the Watermaster to deny Permit: S 54599. A major purpose of our city’s Comprehensive Plan is to ensure the logical and orderly use of Woahink Lake water rights with respect to the desire of its people to guarantee the water quality of its lakes. Specifically, our Comprehensive Plan requires water quality guarantees be applied equally to all lakes in Dunes City. The approval of this permit contributes to an extremely UNFAIR implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and expressly favors one lake above another (Siltcoos versus Woahink). The use of Woahink Lake water rights was NEVER brought before the Dunes City Planning Commission. Neither Dunes City citizens nor the Planning Commission were EVER informed of the furtherance of this permit by city staff. There is a strong and direct conflict of interest with certain Dune City staff members who directly benefit from promoting this permit. I urge the Watermaster to DENY Permit: S 54599. Thank you for your consideration. Jennifer Van Til
 Eugenne Krohn  TO: State of Oregon Watermaster RE: South Coast Water District Application for Permit: S54599 The approval of this permit would allow an excessive amount of water to be pumped from Lake Woahink with SCWD reaping the benefits. Please consider my strong opposition to the approval of permit S54599 when making your decision. Thank you, Maxine Krohn Resident
 WAYNE BAYLIFFFREELANCE WRITERWe moved to Lake Woahink because of the clear water. Like many other residents, we pump our drinking water from the lake at our own expense. The lake is a delicate eco-system susceptible to great damage by any significant changes to the watershed environment. The impact of 140+ homes added to the water draw from Woahink Lake could cause irreparable damage over a course of years. Please do not make a hasty decision or make a decision rendered lightly. The future of so many already established homes rests on your shoulders. There are better solutions to the problem than adding so many homes whose owners do not feel the same responsibility of preserving Lake Woahink to the lake's water rights. Thank you. Wayne and Judy Bayliff
 Catherine Caudle Wish to make a comment about any changes to the permit S54599 this permitee requested an increase in 2008 that was approved in 2009 because they needed to service more households. The are still servicing under 100 and should have the CF reduced back to .10 as the original permit allowed even that of .07 should be fine. The water quality of Siltcoos Lake is causing problems for the individuals this permit supplies water for. the permittee has request to stop using this permit and has asked for a point of diversion to draw off of Dunes City Oregons permit which is pending before the Dunes City Council for review. Therefore, the action the watermaster takes on this permit may be to reduce the CF to zero if that contract is approved in that those homes this permit services will be using Dunes City's permit and not this permit leaving this CF unused and not necessary. Reducing the permitted uses on Siltcoos Lake will help the level of the lake little by little. If this permit is no longer allowed because the needs of the homes are being realized by use of the city's water permit on Woahink Lake it can help allow Siltcoos to retain that .14 CF rather than it being used which can help the level of the lake and ensure fish and plant life and recreational uses and of course other water needs improve.