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 Brian Posewitz This application appears to seek permits for three existing in-channel reservoirs. The reservoirs are likely harming fish and fish habitat by, among other things, reducing flows downstream, impairing fish passage and increasing stream temperature. Permits for the reservoirs should be denied for that reason, and the reservoirs should be removed from the stream system. If permits are granted, they should include the following conditions: 1. No storage during times when flows in the source streams and downstream waters are a limiting factor for fish survival and health (as determined by ODFW). 2. No releases from the reservoirs during summer months (June-September) (to prevent detrimental temperature impacts) unless it can be shown that the released water has a lower temperature than the stream below. 3. If 1 & 2 cannot be met simultaneously because water flows into the reservoirs during summer months when fish need flows downstream, the applicant should be required to move the reservoirs outside the stream channel so the stream can flow past the reservoirs in non-storage months without going through the reservoirs. 4. Riparian vegetation including shade trees should be maintained within a designated buffer zone around the reservoirs. 5. The dams should be required to provide fish passage that functions at all times when water is flowing into the reservoirs. 6. The applicant should be required to have measuring devices on all inflows and outflows to verify that all flows outside a limited storage season are being passed downstream. Thank you for considering my comments and for the opportunity to submit these comments online.