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 Hahn Hahn1950I continue to read/ hear about the water table in this area dropping and established wells going dry. Some of the wells going dry are not agriculture wells, but house wells supporting families who have lived in this area for several generations. It makes absolutely no sense to remove even more water from the ground in an area where nature is already unable to replenish the water, especially the quantity of water required for pivots. Not only is the already a shortage of ground water, but in some areas the loss of ground water is causing the land to sink. This policy of drilling more pivot well madness must stop.
 Lisa BrownWaterWatch of OregonRE: Comments on Extension Applications for Permits G-17100 (Golden Rule Farms); and request for cancellation of the permit and enforcement against illegal use. NOTE: Due to the word limit in WRIS, these are summary comments only. For WaterWatch’s full comments, please refer to the emailed letter. Application G-17578, Permit G-17100 Summary Comment: The extension cannot lawfully be issued and should be denied, the permit should immediately be cancelled and enforcement immediately taken against the previous drilling of seven and the use of five unauthorized wells (i.e. before the 2019 irrigation season) because the permit holder is illegally using water due to ongoing violations of the vast majority of critical permit conditions and use of unauthorized wells.
 Dustin Parnell I do not believe that the water table can support more wells. Residents are already seeing significant decline in the level of their existing wells. It is not acceptable to continue to add pivots when the wells are now taking from each other. If this continues there will be no more water left for the city wells. I have a family to raise and we need water to survive.
 Jenifer McCanna I am concerned about the amount of water rights that have been given out in recent years. This region is classified as high desert. According to a desert is a large area of land classified by few plants and LITTLE WATER. I would like to put emphasis on the term little water. Less than a year ago Governor Brown has declared The Harney County to be in a state of emergency drought. I will include a link to an article on this topic. How can a government agency justify allowing more water to be siphoned out of the existing water table less than a year after a public declaration of emergency drought? I have lived the greater portion of my life in Harney County and have throughout that time heard numerous conversations about the drought we suffer. It is a constant topic discussed about the amount of precipitation and whether it will be enough to sustain this community's current lifestyle. I cannot fathom the amount of damage that can be done by allowing further pivots to be added. What will my children face in a few years when the water is all gone?
 lynn apperson I am VERY opposed to this transfer.This area already has a bigger discharge than recharge to the aquifer.My domestic well as well as my neighbors wells have been seeing a constant decline since the spring of 2015.That is about the time that many pivots were being installed.Please decline this request.
 Keith Jordan I'm very concerned about the amount of water loss to pivots in Harney County. People I know that live in the rural areas are seeing their well water depth drop significantly. Even though my wife and I live in Burns we will ultimately feel the effect of water loss sometime in the future. New pivots continue to blanket Harney county even though common sense dictates that this is simply not sustainable. We are considered the high desert and our water can not survive this attack. Something must be done to stop this depletion of our water resource by a few people who benefit financially.
 Jessica Rodgers These pivots are a threat to citizens homes. If you continue to grant these, people will have to start transporting water to the area. In the 1930s California had to start transporting water from the Colorado River to Southern California. That is the direction we are heading with all of these wells and pivots being put in place. Home owners around the area are watching their wells drop at alarming rates, soon it will cause them to have to drop down deeper. What happens when deeper isn't an option? Data from the Oregon water resources website states, Harney County has been placed on the drought registry list 9 times since 1991. Also 397 wells have been placed since the year 2000. If you would like a visual demonstration, see the website below, this is a picture of the area in which you want to grant more permission for pivots.,-119.07889041,1259.81515669a,17665.92321439d,35y,0h,11.02378732t,360r
 LAURIE OCONNORCITIZENAs a resident near this well, and as a long term resident of the Harney Basin, I object to any allowances that will increase depletion of our water table. As our area is considered a critical ground water study area since 2015, and furthermore an area that has been clearly water over-allocated for many years, we all must put on the brakes regarding water usage and development. We have had serious declines in water levels in two of our stock wells and have seen a drop of 18 feet in our residential well in the past two years. Granting ANY new extensions or allowing ANY transfers within Harney Basin at this time is unconscionable and irresponsible. Furthermore, if this insanity does not stop, I will work diligently to prove that this practice has long been illegal. NO MORE permit extension!. NO MORE transfers!
 Erwin & Ellen Yarbrough We have serious concerns about allowing more pivots in this area. We have been losing water level the past few years as more and more pivots are installed and used in our area. We feel it is wrong to add more pivots when it damages the water levels of existing wells and the value of our land. These new wells will put money in the pockets of the owners at the cost of of making our well worthless. We would urge you to deny the request for more pivots. This basin will not sustain such over use. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Erwin S. and Ellen Yarbrough
 Erwin Yarbrough