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 cathy morton I am neither in favor nor opposed to the proposed Transfer of TID water to a storage reservoir. I am concerned, about the transfer of water into a privately owned lake and the privatization of the USE of stored public water. Additionally, I am not aware of an application by the landowner for a permit from the department to construct a reservoir as i understand is required of all stored water. I urge the Department to make sure that procedure is followed as this is being touted as a pilot project that will likely set some precedent.
 Dr. Leslie Hudson According to the applicant's public minutes this transfer is in exchange for an approximate $5000 annual fee to create "two lakes for personal use by the future residents around the lakes." The larger of these lakes is a water skiing pond and is already in use as such. As a TID Water Patron, I object strongly to this transfer to create an inappropriate private recreation facility in a High Desert environment. According to public record, there was neither provision for nor intent to use this water to benefit TID Water Patrons as no infrastructure was planned to be able to recover water from the water skiing pond. This transfer concerns a storage right which, according to the local Watermaster, was "unlikely to be proved up at Tumalo Reservoir" and so should be returned to the State 'pool' for Public benefit rather than be leased out for private recreational use without a process which would satisfy the fiduciary requirements on the applicant as a public entity.