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 Lisa BrownWaterWatch of OregonThank you for the opportunity to comment on the Initial Review (IR) for App. G-17985. WaterWatch supports the IR determination to deny the permit based on water availability. The Chewaucan River is clearly overallocated and Lake Abert, a terminal lake into which the river flows, has essentially dried up with dire consequences to the birds that normally rely on it. We are surprised to see that the water availability model shows water not available for only June 1 through August 31. We submit that water is likely not available at 80% exceedence for this proposed use for additional months. Due to various problems with implementation of previous agreements, planned installation of stream flow gages on the Chewaucan River near its terminus never occurred. Our understanding is that the nearest gage is above Paisley, making it hard to assess the actual streamflow conditions and accuracy of the water availability data. As we review the water availability for this application, we urge WRD to secure appropriate gaging on the Chewaucan River. WaterWatch supports denial of this permit. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.