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 Brian PosewitzWaterWatch of OregonThe application proposes a new in-channel reservoir to store 55 acre feet of water in Wolf Run Creek. Wolf Run Creek is a tributary to Eightmile Creek, which is a tributary to Fifteenmile Creek, which is a tributary to the Columbia River. The application, submitted three months ago, admits that reservoir construction has “already started” (without a permit) and, indeed, Google Earth appears to show a substantial dam and reservoir at the location. If this is correct, there should be consequences for building a dam and storing water without a permit. ORS 537.130(2) provides, with exceptions not relevant here, that “a person may not use, store or divert any waters until after the department issues a permit to appropriate the waters.” If OWRD continues to ignore clear violations of this law, others will have no incentive to comply. In any event, our information indicates that the Fifteenmile watershed has numerous fish species, including steelhead and various trout, and has water quality challenges including summer temperatures. The proposed reservoir should not be allowed if it will detrimentally impact these fish species, by increasing temperatures or otherwise. In all likelihood, the dam and reservoir will increase downstream water temperatures by exposing reservoir water to increased thermal warming and by releasing that water during times of temperature impairment in downstream waters. The reservoir also may deprive downstream waters of flows that are important to providing and/or creating fish habitat. The Initial Review document appropriately directs the applicant to gather and submit additional information on impacts to fish and other public resources. However, the IR should not be recommending approval, as it appears to do, until that information is gathered and reviewed Thank you for considering these comments.