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 Brian PosewitzWaterWatch OregonWaterWatch has the following comments on the above application. Though the comment deadline was 1/30/16, that was a Saturday, which I believe means comments may be submitted through today. 1. This application is an example of how the alternate reservoir process, meant for small reservoirs, may be used for what are really relatively large reservoirs for which a more rigorous review process is appropriate. 2. While the ODFW review appropriately flagged important issues such as screening and releases of warmed water, it appears to have defaulted to water availability as reflective of the flow needs of fish. ODFW should have done its own analysis and should have considered the impact of the reservoir on ecologically important high flows (among others). 3. Permit conditions should include a limit on the instantaneous diversion rate as well as storage volume to ensure the diversion does not take too much of the flow at any one time. Thank you for considering these comments.