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 Larry Dennis As a resident in the Hood River Valley I want to ensure all decisions that may effect myself or others are carefully considered. I would recommend that any water usage be limited to current users. Thank you Larry Dennis
 Kathleen Welland I a m writing to support the WRD preliminary decision to deny the application for a well for the Hood River Cherry Co. G-18285. The proposed well is in close proximity to both the Hood River and Crystal Springs. I urge the staff at the WRD to uphold the denial of this application in order to protect the threaten fish species as well as other fauna and flora in the already over-appropriated Hood River basin. As your report states, the aquifer and the surface water in the area of the proposed well are connected. In addition, the well location is close to Crystal Springs which is the domestic water source for much of the Hood River Valley and deserves protection as well. Furthermore, neighbors rely on domestic wells. My domestic well has flow issues. A large blueberry farm 1/4 mile above my home/well irrigates with ground water. A possible correlation to my well flow issues. Several other farmers and water entities in the upper Hood River Valley have applied for groundwater permits at the same depth as the Hood River Cherry application and were denied. The WRD owes it to these farmers to be equitable. Please protect the limited water resources in this fragile upper Hood River Valley location by denying this application