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 Richard Harrington No email address to send to, could not attach pdf, sent to Michael Thoma
 Richard Harrington Trying to attach a pdf without success need an email address
 Michelle Kielman Hello, I am a neighbor and I am very concerned about how this well will be detrimental to my own domestic well. In 2002 Jim Johnson who previously owned my property too tried to obtain a permit for the use of groundwater. The department determined based on available data the use for that well would not likely be available- reasons stated in the report - there have been well problems in the past, neighbor wells were close by and there is evidence of well decline in this area. I am also curious as to why as neighbors we have not be contacted to have the appropriate well testing on our wells to be certain that as a home owner I won't be hauling in water here in the near future?? Please review document G-15618, if you need a copy I would be happy to provide. Thank you Michelle Colby Kielman