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 Robert BradleyOregon Department of Fish and WildlifeODFW does not object to the water right transfer from Hester Cr. to the existing intake on Beaver Creek. There will be a small benefit to fish by leaving additional water in the stream in the reach between the two intakes. The Beaver Creek intake is designed as an infiltration gallery. Since the Beaver Creek system is a highly productive stream for fish, it is important that the infiltration system be maintained so that fish are not drawn into the water supply. Alternatively, if the infiltration cannot be sustained, the applicant should adequately screen the intake (contact the ODFW screens program for more information).
 Robert BradleyOregon Department of Fish and WildlifeODFW does not object to the water right transfer from Hester Cr. to the existing intake on Beaver Creek. There will be a small benefit to fish by leaving additional water in the stream in the reach between the two intakes. The Beaver Creek intake is designed as an infiltration gallery. Since the Beaver Creek system is a highly productive stream for fish, it is important that the infiltration system be maintained so that fish are not drawn into the water supply. Alternatively, if the infiltration cannot be sustained, the applicant should adequately screen the intake (contact the ODFW screens program for more information).