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 Brian PosewitzWaterWatch of OregonComment received December 26, 2016 via email. 1. According to the ODFW review, the application map does not correctly identify the location of the reservoir for which a permit is sought. The application therefore does not comply with application requirements. The application should be rejected for that reason. 2. The application materials appear contradictory on whether the reservoir for which a permit is sought is in the stream channel or not. The application says it is not but ODFW says it is. If ODFW is correct, the application again fails to accurately describe the proposal and should be rejected for that reason. 3. ODFW notes that downstream waters contain habitat for native migratory fish including ESA-listed steelhead. OWRD therefore should require that the reservoir be located outside the stream channel so that flow may be bypassed outside the storage season without impacting water quality. Otherwise, as is well known and documented, an in-channel reservoir will adversely impact downstream water quality by increasing stream temperatures, preventing movement of sediment and gravel, etc.