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 Elizabeth Corcoran This application should not be extended applicant has had ample time to preform. Mr. Blech owner/operator/applicant has effected the water flow on both Graves and Shank creek. The disruption to the flow since the inception is quite noticeable. A collaborated effort with photos and ledger of these creeks diminished and erratic flow has given us great concern for the future of these two creeks. Both creeks flow through his project and then on our land (We’ve owned 44years) Our water rights have been effected. The water Master of Josephine Country has stopped water usage for right holders in the past several years due to very low flow. My husband and children have observed and noted the salmon runs and wild life in and around both creeks impacted negatively. This extension for these permits should not be granted. It is my understand in reviewing his request and other permitting process the the applicant has been anything but forth right. He would rather take a fine or slap on his hand before considering environmental compliance. The water has been the greatest concern for us including disruption to the land with contamination to the water table. Thank you for your consideration. Elizabeth Corcoran 2001 Placer, Sunny Valley
 Lisa BrownWaterWatch of OregonWaterWatch urges OWRD to deny the extension application for permit R-15320. There is not good cause to issue the extensions. Due to word limits and formattng issues in WRIS, we have submitted our comment letter by email. Thank you for considering our comments.
 William Corcoran William M. Corcoran II & Elizabeth A. Corcoran 2001 Placer Road Sunny Valley, OR 97497 Mailing: 1051 NE 6th St. C100 Grants Pass, OR 97526 May 11, 2023 This letter is to inform you that I oppose this extension of time because their is no good cause to do so. I live directly next to this project and downstream on two creeks that will be negatively impacted. ?•?My Water Rights on Grave Creek are Senior Rights dated 1874 (see attached) Recorded Volume 13, Page 16535. ?•?My Water Rights on Shanks Creek are dated 1/17/1966 (see attached) Volume 31, Page 39777. Over the years the Water Master has restricted the water removal from Grave Creek due to low flow many times limiting my agricultural/farming use. This demonstrates that even with my senior water rights I have already been impacted. There are real water volume issues on Grave Creek that must be seriously considered before allowing a commercial operation upstream of a person with senior water rights. It is contradictory to approve a commercial operation, which will appropriate additional creek and ground water. Any additional removal of water from Grave Creek will impact the dwindling Coho salmon and steelhead population. This Site is at the upper most part of Sunny Valley and will have an impact all the way to the Rouge River. Sunny Valley Sand & Gravel, Inc. is projected to operate for 40 years. The mining application explains the massive need of water to remove the clay from the material. The amount of water this operation will require is staggering. It is also the digging of eight pits to bedrock that will interrupt and combine ground and surface waters all the way to the Rogue River that concerns us. I request that you deny this extension . Respectfully, William M. Corcoran II
 Klapp Stephen Dear Water Resources, For the past 13 years my wife and I have been living in constant fear of losing our well water because of the proposed Andres Blech Sunny Valley Sand And Gravel pit.Over the past 13 years my wife and I have written countless letters opposing the Andres Blech Sunny Valley Sand And Gravel pit. The concerns we voiced were about noise,dust,fish and wildlife in Grave Creek which abuts his property, and water (losing our water). Twenty four hours a day,365 days a year we have to constantly worry digging down into the aquafer which would make our home and property completely useless. please remember that there are approximately 25 residential homes surrounding this proposed gravel pit. All of us live in constant fear. His applications for two reservoirs has EXPIRED PLEASE KEEP IT THAT WAY!! Thank You, Steve Klapp 158 Daisy Mine Rd Sunny Valley, OR 97497 700 FEET FROM OUR PROPERTY!
 Steven Lawwill I am a resident who owns a personal home within the SVS&G mine impact area. My primary concern is the protection of the groundwater aquifer that supplies domestic water to my home. My secondary concern is surface water depletion or chemical contamination, potentially killing Grave Creek, Shanks Creek, and the Rogue River. I urge you to deny this extension because the applicant has not shown good cause to allow it. There is no water available now, nor was there water available at the time of initial application. Human consumption needs and senior certificate holders must take precedence over a startup business demanding bountiful amounts of water from this limited common source. You should reject the reservoir extension application. The duration of the reservoir permit issued was adequate to address any problems. The applicant has had five years to complete the reservoir and has not shown a willingness to comply with the required standards. Please deny this request for an extension.
 Jinifer Walkup My name is Jin. As a mother that lives next to the "sunny valley sand a gravel" operation, I worry about my child who spends the summer playing in the creeks that come from this property. I hope you decline the permit extension for the sake of my child and others that use the creeks.
 Deborah Klapp My name is Deborah Klapp we reside about 700 feet away from Mr. Blech aka Sunny Valley Sand and Gravel. We put our home up for sale last May and we received an offer in June. We had advised the potential new owner that a gravel pit/gold mining operation could possibly be approved. The couple looked up details of the operation (I have a screenshot) Mr. Blech had posted that the business was up and running to call for rock or gravel at that point the buyers backed out from the sale of our home we lost $998,000.00 due to the lack of good faith by Mr. Blech. This man does not follow the rules and then begs for forgiveness. I wish I knew how to attach screenshots of Mr. Blech fake gravel pit that he had posted on the website. He has had 13 years to figure this out. He has never addressed lining the ponds so why should his application be approved? We are all on wells out here and are very concerned about our water and the aquafer. Please hear us. Deborah Klapp 158 Daisy Mine RD Sunny Valley, OR 97497 700 feet from proposed gravel pit!!! Thank You
 Kevin Corcoran Hi, as a very close neighbor to this operation, I am hoping you decline the permit extension. As a local beekeeper, i also hope you decline the permit. this is due to the increase in other insect populations and pesticides to keep them down. it will also assist in the removal of more flowering grasslands. thank you for your time. _- Kevin
 Kevin Corcoran Hi, as a very close neighbor to this operation, I am hoping you decline the permit extension. As a local beekeeper, i also hope you decline the permit. this is due to the increase in other insect populations and pesticides to keep them down. it will also assist in the removal of more flowering grasslands. thank you for your time. _- Kevin
 Richard RutherfordRutherford plumbingPermit: R 15320 contained the approval to divert water from Grave Creek and store for use in the gravel mining operation. My concern as a home and property owner in an area that experiences a 3 month drought on an annual basis is that there has not been adequate research done for the wells that are directly affected by this constant removal of fresh water that supplies these wells through ground saturation, nor how they are being affected by an industrial operation alongside this fresh water supply. I do not think that this permit should be extended for this operation, 5 years is more than enough time for a properly operated business to put in place everything that is required to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the rural neighbors that are being impacted by this operation. Please do not extend the water use permits for this poorly run industrial operation.