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 Roarke Ball  All of the properties controlled by Forest Stroud that have in-stream water rights from the Upper Phillips ditch have not received any water for a minimum of 18 years because the ditch is in total disrepair just prior to reaching his property. It's my understanding that he's trying to transfer his rights to the Lower Phillips ditch which has never serviced these properties. In all the years he's lived there, he has never been involved in maintaining either of the ditches or attempted to gain water to his property. To grant him rights to the lower Phillips ditch, which is already at capacity with landowners who have maintained and used the water rights legally, would be unjust. Since he has been in control of these properties, he has been watering his marijuana operation from wells. Only the well on the property he resides on (4001 Ltl. Applegate) has agricultural status. The other 4 contiguous properties only have surface water rights from the Upper Phillips ditch, which again, has not flowed in 18 years. Since he's been producing marijuana, he's had total disregard for the neighbors along with 2 separate violent acts, in our neighborhood, by his "employees". Police reports were filed on both. As a community, our concern is these incidences will increase. If he wants to produce marijuana on an industrial level, he should find a piece of property with the info-structure to support it. In closing, I feel that the Lower Phillips ditch does not have the capacity to add his industrial marijuana operation.
 Little neighborhoodfarmers and ranchers unitepage 4 of 4 this man is not representing himself as truth. This property has not received water in the last 5 years. Please do not grant water lease rights to a man who is dishonest .............. go up to his property and see how much he cares about being a good steward. he will take our water and we will suffer
 larry belau  if this is for illegal use I think it should not be given.
  anonomousAs a neighbor having to live close to a huge illegal marijuana grow, I urge you not to extend any permits to F. Stroud. His huge industrial operation continues to get larger and larger and is destroying the peace and quiet of the neighborhood with constant traffic, noise pollution, light pollution and he appears to have no cares on how he negatively impacts his neighbors. So far he hasn't followed any rules or regulations and if you allow him to take water from the ditch or river, whatever, he will abuse those privileges and there won't be any water left for anyone else. Please don't encourage him to grow his industrial operation any larger and put more demands on our eco-systems on the Little Applegate.
 Dennis & Linda Gates We purchased our property at 4007 Little Applegate Road Jacksonville, OR in 1993 and sold it in 2011. Marvin and Lilli Ann Rosenberg were our next door neighbors at 4001 Little Applegate Road Jacksonville, OR . During this time 1993 to 2010 ( until Rosenbergs 's property was sold ) I had no knowledge of them ever using the upper ditch for irrigation. There is also a lower ditch which stopped on our property and did not cross over to there's. We do not believe water rights should be granted.
  Pacific Studios DesignMr. Stroud has a very poor track record with respect to compliance with extisting laws governing his use of well water to irrigate crops (7 yrs). He also demonstrates a complete disregard for observing greenhouse lighting restrictions between the hours of 7PM and 7AM (ongoing since last yr). These issues are mentioned because past behavior is a good indication of future behavior. I suspect it's extremely likely that at such time as his water may be shutdown in a low water year, due to to the junior nature of his lease rights, he would simply ignore the shut down order just as he has ignored other regulations governing his grow sites. Mr. Stroud does not deserve the right to exploit water rights to the detriment of other properties downstream. I ask the water resources department to deny Mr. Stroud's request
 anonymous person Though these parcels have a water right, this right has not been exercised for over a decade; water has not flowed to any of these properties in that long.
 Warren Merz Addendum: On Part 4 of 4, page 5, of Stroud's application: On the validity of the right(s) to be leased, he checked the box saying "The water right(s) to be leased have been used under the terms and conditions of the right(s) during the last five years or have been leased insteam;" That does not appear to be correct, because neighbors including Linda and Dennis Gates, who previously lived nearby, say the ditch (water right) had not been used in 15 years. I request that you do not approve transfers for IL 1685 or IL 1686.
 Little neighborhoodUNHAPPY & UPSET NEIGHBORSwhy would you grant a water lease to a person who has not used water in his ditch for over 15 years ??? why would you grant water to someone who has been using household water well to water illegal grow ? these people do not deserve to have any water especially when they have no regard for neighboring farms & ranches upstream............ this issue would take away from upstream water rights...... use it or loose it................ he looses
 Little neighborhoodUNHAPPY & UPSET NEIGHBORSwhy would you grant a water lease to a person who has not used water in his ditch for over 15 years ??? why would you grant water to someone who has been using household water well to water illegal grow ? these people do not deserve to have any water especially when they have no regard for neighboring farms & ranches upstream............ this issue would take away from upstream water rights...... use it or loose it................ he looses