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 Brian PosewitzWaterWatch of OregonThe application and ODFW comments conflict on whether the reservoir is in-channel. That needs to be resolved. If the reservoir is in-channel, the permit should be denied because the reservoir is likely adversely affecting water quality in a stream connected to waterways with listed fish (and thereby having a significant detrimental impact to existing fishery resources). If a permit is nevertheless issued, the conditions need to include fish passage, since ODFW says it believes juvenile listed fish use the stream. Conditions also should require measuring inflow and outflow to ensure all live flow is passed outside the storage season, since ODFW's comments require a limited storage season. Documents also conflict on the size of the reservoir. The application says 4AF. ODFW comments says .8 AF. The land-use form refers to 10AF. These inconsistencies should be resolved before any permit is issued. Finally, the land-use form does not seem to match the proposed use. The land-use form refers to a reservoir to be filled with groundwater, not runoff. The Department should at least make clear that using groundwater to fill the reservoir requires a permit.