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 Jessica Rodgers These pivots are a threat to citizens homes. If we continue to grant these people will have to start transporting water to the area. In the 1930s California had to start transporting water from the Colorado River to Southern California. That is the direction we are heading with all of these wells and pivots being put in place. Home owners around the area are watching their wells drop at alarming rates, soon it will cause them to have to drop down deeper. What happens when deeper isn't an option? Data from the Oregon water resources website states, Harney County has been placed on the drought registry list 9 times since 1991. Also 397 wells have been placed since the year 2000. If you would like a visual demonstration, see the website below, this is a picture of the area in which you want to grant more permission for pivots.,-119.07889041,1259.81515669a,17665.92321439d,35y,0h,11.02378732t,360r
 Ben McCanna1961I think that our area here, is already over run with too much pumping to irrigate property. My well number 50399, and three other close to me, are showing at least a foot of water loss per year. This has been documented ever since OWRD started their water study in are area. There has to be a stopping point and we have reached that point now. In a few more years, my water will be gone. Then what do I do with my property? It will be worth nothing! This is public water we are dealing with. I and countless others, are part of the public.