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 Sarah WorthingtonSiskiyou Field Institute The Siskiyou Field Institute (SFI) is adjacent to the property where the owners are proposing T-13220 which seeks to temporarily change the place of use (POU) of water right certificate 85993 The SFI has the following comments: The proposed uses are not shown in table 2 of the application and the certificate number is not shown. The evidence of use affidavit does not have a box checked on page 2. The proposed POU change is enlarging the existing 1.0 acre to 13.5 acres. The application is relying on an arithmetic construct of 7.4% to avoid enlargement which seems impractical. Strips of land 3.6” wide out of every 48” are identified for drip irrigation. How will the water be prevented from moving more than 1.8” sideways either on the soil surface or underground from each dripper? How will the crop roots and canopies be prevented from growing more that 3.6” wide in each row? Will above ground containers be used to grow the crops that are only 3.6” wide? The point of diversion (POD) is not being transferred. However that authorized POD on the application map is not at the SFI diversion dam where water is now being diverted from to irrigate the 13 acre field. The authorized POD is about 0.27 miles upstream from the SFI diversion dam and has not been used for many decades. Page 2 of the SFI T-10793 Final Order describes the POD locations. What is the POD intent of T-13220? SFI is concerned that if T-13220 is not properly conditioned then SFI could be injured since it shares the Squaw Creek water source with the applicant. Recently the applicant installed 3” diameter PVC pipes which will allow the diversion of far more than 9 gpm. A separate dedicated small diameter pipeline or hose from the POD to the POU with a flow restrictor and meter installed is suggested for the applicant’s water system.