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 Lisa BrownWaterWatch of OregonThank you for the opportunity to comment. T-13363 should be denied for reasons including lack of compliance with water right conditions and lack of water use under certificates 91418 and 91644. Due to word limitation and formatting challenges, please see the comment letter we have emailed to Ms. Smith for complete comments. Thank you for your consideration. Lisa Brown
 Cannady BarbaraHC Ranch T-13363 Was told that the last day to comment is today. Want to oppose transfer of water rights from Christmas Valley, Lake County to Virginia Valley, Harney County. We are already over allocated and have less water than is permitted at this time due to abandoned wells. Barbara Cannady Box 3009 Princeton, Or 97721 541-493-4663
 Karen Starbuck I do not support the transfer application and do believe that it will substantially interfere with our groundwater uses.
 Karen Starbuck  
 Gerrit Jager Gerrit and Patricia Jager do not agree with this transfer: T-13363
 Abraham PuckettIndian Head CorpMy farm, Indian Head, is located in Princeton in the Virginia Valley. I have approximately 730 acres there, of which 610 of those are irrigated acres. I have been farming alfalfa and grain crops there for the past 8 years. We rely on groundwater for our irrigation and we have not had any problem with availability of water. There has been some development of farm ground in the Anderson Valley, but I have not seen an impact on my water usage. I do not expect that it will cause a harmful drawdown in the Virginia Valley. I support any efforts to reduce groundwater uses in the GHVGAC through this transfer.
 LAURIE OCONNOR There should be a complete stop of all transfers within any critical study area, and especially in the Harney Basin. Enough science has been gathered to prove the water in this area is severely over-allocated, and everyone understands there is going to be a long, perhaps permanent, hardship for everyone in this basin. Without complete knowledge of how severe water shortages will be and how soon they will expand outward from the cone of depressions (which this user is part of), it is unconscionable that a scientific agency would permit more destruction! Through no fault on their own, domestic and stock well users are being severely harmed, and are facing the loss of their property values and their lifestyles.
 Ben McCanna T-13363 Once again our area is under attack by some companies that just seem to want all our water. They care only about themselves and don't care about any other thing. There is a large water problem in Harney county. Our water table is dropping and it will not be coming back ever if they did stop taking water out of our aquifers. We already have hugh cones of depression in a number of places. I hope this transfer is looked at very closely before being allowed to place more wells in an area that is already in big trouble.The average alfalfa pivots takes 800 gallons of water a minute out of our water shed. Think about how much water that is when they start pumping in March and stop in October? Thank you, Ben McCanna