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 Brian PosewitzWaterWatch of OregonThe application should be denied as proposed because it would pose a significant detrimental impact to existing fishery resources. Any permit needs to follow ODFW's recommendation on storage season (not just water availabilty) such that no storage is permitted July-January. However, unless inflow and outflow are measured, there is no way to prevent storage in that season, and it is not reasonable to conclude no flows will ever be present in the unnamed stream from July-January. Moreover, flows that cannot be stored will need to be passed through the reservoir, which will cause water quality problems because the reservoir will warm the water and/or otherwise load the water with polllutants. If a permit is issued, it should require that the reservoir be relocated away from the stream channel such that storage from the stream (like storage from Cow Creek) can easily be discontinued with certainty outside the storage season (by turning off the diversion). Moreover, that will prevent release of warmed/contaminated water into the stream system. Thank you for considering these comments and reflecting them in your decision.