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 David Arnold Thank you for responding to this application with "Propose to Deny". Given the Review - Groundwater/Application (GW-Review) and the number of wells in the Cline Falls and Northern Tumalo Area are going dry. I feel this was a correct response. The Deschutes Basin Aquifer has been declining for the past 30 years. This has been blamed on drought. population growth and piping of the irrigation canals. In my 50 years living in Central Oregon a domestic well was drilled to a average depth in the 60's and 70's was 450 feet, then in the 80's the average well was 600 to 650 feet. Today, well's are being drilled to 700 feet and lower. Again I ask that OWRD do and extensive study of the Deschutes Aquifer so those of us living here a guarentied a sustanable domestic water supply.
 Anne Hildreth I understand James Verheyden has requested to pull an additional 27 million gallons water from Tumalo area. This is in addition to the original 2.6 million already granted in 2007 which was stated to be for agricultural development. There is no agriculture being developed, so where is this water going? What would this do to those of us who live near here? In Saddleback we are being asked to ration as one of our wells collapsed. Would this put further stress on our water situation? What would this do to the people downstream who depend on this water for ranches and farms and have water rights currently.? So 2.6 million gallons is not enough? Also Verheyden has blocked the 4606 road that runs along 1/3 of an acre of his land from what I understand. The forest service has been granted this easement a long time before Verheyden bought the property here. The forest service sent Verheyden a letter stating the road needs to remain open. Verheyden demonstrates a total disregard for the law and rights of others. I adamantly oppose his application to usurp 27 million gallons of water from west Deschutes County. We are a desert, not set up to have one person create his own private oasis and cause the rest of us to go dry. AND there are wells already going dry in Deschutes County. Thank you.
 Michelle Cunha Applicant's use is purely residential for use of a nursery and landscape, it is no longer for growing alfalfa or hay. The request of water use is a grossly abnormal amount of water for residential use for landscaping and "nursery". Applicant should not be approved this application.This is a clear misuse of water resources if approved and applicant shows no regard for the management and conservation of natural resources.
 Denzel MorganHigh Caliber I P LLCI personally don't trust the person.
 Jonathan Reynolds Please do not siphon off Oregons natural resources to rich assholes. Please do not grant the Verheydens the requested 27 million gallons of water.
 Judith Minnich This appears to be adding a mistake on top of a mistake. We are all going to have to learn to live in a landscape without as much water. Please don't approve this application.
 John Blankfort The applicant affirmed that the OWRD Application was, “true and accurate”, and “... to use water specifically as described in this Application.” The Application then states, “water to be pumped from wells for nursery use.” On February 10, 2021 Cynthia Smidt, Assoc. Planner for Deschutes Co contacted the applicant and confirmed that the water was for, “...irrigation for a variety of landscaping on the subject tract rather than fields of hay or other crops requiring normal irrigation. The tract of land was approved for residential use through land use file no. CU-10-17 (tax lots 4308 and 4306). Staff interprets the applicant’s request as the irrigation of landscaping with the approved and associated residential use. " Cynthia Smidt then wrote a letter and filed out Pg 3 of the Land Use Information Form. She certified that she mailed a copy to the applicant. You can view the full Land Use Information Form and letter that Deschutes Co. has on file at: I’d like to enter the Land Use Information Form that Deschutes Co has on file as part of my public comment. The application received by OWRD on March 1st, 2021 did not contain the letter from Deschutes Co. Page 3 of the Land Use Information Form had been replaced with a blank copy of it. By excluding the letter from Deschutes Co. and modifying the Land Use Information Form the applicants intended to keep their true water use a secret. It’s my opinion that dishonesty has no place in a civil society. OWRD should consult with legal counsel on how to proceed. This application should be denied because it is not, “true and accurate.
 Kate Maguire Please reject this application on the grounds of insufficient mitigation as well as the potential for substantial negative impact on Tumalo Creek. Additionally, this application fails to meet the requirements for nursery use and should be dismissed.
 F MacDonald James Verheyden has already demonstrated that he has no interest in the public good by gating 4606 and then suing those who have taken issue with it. That, along with the fact that he's already been granted millions of gallons of water for a "nursery" that was never built, erodes any and all faith that I have in his ability to use a resource for anything but his own self-interest. Do not allow this guy to abuse the public interest more than he already has. In fact, I'd recommend reducing his current water allowance.
 Simon SmithSEKO LogisticsThis property is very clearly pretending to be a farm while wasting public resources for the enjoyment of the rich at the expense of everyone else. The permit should be denied and frankly all associated permits should be revoked if the property owner won't consider the needs of the community over his extravagant and unnecessary wishes.