Oregon Water Resources Department
Electronic Public Comments
Application: R 89154
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Brian Posewitz
WaterWatch of Oregon
This application should be denied because it proposes an in-channel reservoir that cannot meet ODFW's recommended conditions to pass all live flow July 1 to October 30 without harming water quality. To reservoir will not pass all live flow July 1 to October 30 because the Department will not require measuring devices to ensure outflow equals inflow during that time, which is the only way to ensure the reservoir is not storing water. Moreover, even if all live flow is passed outside the recommended storage season, the reservoir will harm water quality by requiring the flow to go through the reservoir, which will warm the water and add other pollutants from land uses associated with the reservoir. Thus, the reservoir cannot comply with ODFW's recommended conditions regarding water quality.
Save Chehalem Mountain
Save Chehalem Mountain & Aquifer, a Not for Profit Corporation
SCM is a nonprofit organization interested in protecting & preserving water issues in the area around Chehalem Mountain and the vast area of the Chehalem Mountain Limited Ground Water Area & Aquifer. We agree with the ODFW comments regarding the adverse affects that the application would have on ESA-listed winter steelhead and spring chinook and sensitive species coastal cutthroat in Chehalem Cr. The application poses a significant detrimental impact to existing fishery resources. We therefore recommend that OWRD deny the application. If OWRD is going to approve the application, then OWRD should follow the ODFW recommendation and limit the withdrawal to the period 11/1 to 6/30