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 David Arnold I am concerned that the comment period will close and I will not have had a chance to review the ground water study. Study was requested on 11/22/2021 and has not been posted. Comment period for the transfer is closing on 12/23/2021. I ask that the comment period stay open for at least a week once the study is posted. Other ground water study’s for the Cline Butte area have not been favorable for ground water pumping. If that is the case for this transfer, I would like to comment.
 Nancy Engebretson I am very concerned about water usage in my neighborhood, which is just east of Cline Butte. Building Thornburgh Resort is an extremely unacceptable use of dwindling water supplies. Our water levels are dropping and many of us have had to drill new, deeper wells recently. I do not support another water sucking resort in our neighborhood.
 E.Stephanie fries We are very concerned about the proposal and water issues. living in Eagle Crest it could affect our water here. It should not be approved until the climate issues affecting everyone locally, the county, state, the US and the rest of our Planet are addressed and we all work together.
 David Arnold I am requesting that OWRD deny this transfer request. This is only a small protion of the water required to support the needs of Thornburgh Resort (TR). A ground water study done for applications G19139 and LL1879 show that if TR was to aquire their required water there would be injury to prior water rights and or not be avaliable ground water capacity. The report goes on to say " There is the potential for substantial interference per Deschutes Basin Rules:. Also it says that, "The proposed use of groundwater will have a localized impact to surface water in the ___Middle Deschutes____ River/Creek Subbasin. A resort of this size should be required to obtain all needed water rights not be able to add a small amount for here and there as needed. In the end, the impact to the aquifer is the same. I have watched as my neighbors wells have go dry and have to be deepened or new deeper wells drilled. We have a declining aquifer and as of yet TR has not pumped any ground water. What happens when they start pumping? More local wells go dry. OWRD needs to not approve this transfer request until a instensive study of the aquifer is done to insure there would be no impact to others, wildlife, fish and the river.
 David Arnold I would ask that this transfer request not be approved at this time. Declineing water levels of the local aquifer, piping of irrigation canals and the ongoing drought have reduced avaliable ground water in the Tumalo area. A recent ground water study done for applications G19139 and LL1879 have shown the negative impacts to the aquifer. I do not understand how changing a surface water right in southern Deschutes County to ground water use for Pinnacle Utilities in the Tumalo area will prevent the issues raised by the ground water study. I have also read that the ground water around Cline Buttes is actually affected by Wychus Creek. The major concern of land owners in the northern Tumalo and Cline Buttes area is the amount of water requested for Thornburgh Resort and the fact so many wells in this area are going dry and need to either be deepened or and new well drilled. Also the fact that Pinnacle Utilities permit is under Contested Case. I would ask that any water requests be held until OWRD has ruled in the Contested Case.