Records per page:
 Patricia CarrollOregon Lakes AssociationOregon Lakes Association (OLA) supports the issuance of the instream water right in the amount applied for by ODFW. Fulfillment of these applications will provide assurance into the future that instream flows for stream biota and channel function will be available without jeopardizing the existing valid water rights issued for other beneficial uses.
 Ellen PorterUmpqua Valley Audubon SocietyUmpqua Valley Audubon Society provides this comment in support of the issuance of the instream water right in the amount applied for by ODFW.
 Mark RogersOregon Council Trout UnlimtedThe Oregon Council of Trout Unlimited supports Application # IS 89315 in the amount applied for by ODFW. Thank you.
 Shaun PigottDeschutes Redbands Chapter - Trout Unlimited The Deschutes Redbands Chapter of Trout Unlimited, representing 758 members in the Deschutes Basin, supports the in-stream water right application # IS 89315 in the amount applied for by ODFW.
 James FraserTrout UnlimitedTrout Unlimited (TU) supports this Application (IS 89315) in the amount applied for by ODFW. TU is a non-profit dedicated to conserving coldwater fish (such as trout, salmon, and steelhead) and their habitats, and we have more than 350,000 members and supporters nationwide. Thank you for considering our input.
 Jennifer FairbrotherNative Fish SocietyNative Fish Society supports the issuance of the instream water right on Cox Creek in the amount applied for by ODFW. Thank you.
 Ryan HoustonOregon Natural Desert AssociationThe Oregon Natural Desert Association supports this instream water right application.
 Caylin BarterWild Salmon CenterCORRECTED: Wild Salmon Center supports approval of instream water right application IS-89315. We do not support OWRD’s proposed reduction of streamflow protection to estimated average natural flow regardless of the biological needs of fish.
 Caylin BarterWild Salmon CenterWild Salmon Center supports approval of instream water right application IS-89315.
 Kimberley PriestleyWaterWatch of OregonWaterWatch strongly supports the issuance of this instream water right in the amount requested by ODFW. We are also submitting a more detailed letter of support but wanted to get our organizational support on the electronic record.