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 Juliette WaitSave Chehalem Mountain, IncI am currently the president of Save Chehalem Mountain Inc, a non-profit organization of local residents living in or near the Chehalem Mountain Limited Groundwater Area. Our mission is to protect the sustainable use of natural resources in the Chehalem Groundwater Aquifer. We monitor well use and new applications regularly and have noted applications for new reservoirs. We wish to comment on the application for a new reservoir affecting Bryan Creek and Chehalem Creek, which has been noted to become dry in recent years. After reviewing the application and map of the area for R89428, we appreciate the applicants’ diligence. While this seems to be in order, we support the application with the caveat that the water in the proposed reservoir is used only during the winter. we support the OWRD review regarding appropriation, quality.and any stored water releases be curtailed April1-Oct 31. We recommend that the reservoir gate be left open during the summer months to permit flow of the water which eventually will reach Chehalem Creek when it is most needed. This may have an effect of the STE fish in Chehalem Creek. Thank you Juliette Wait