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Transfer Information
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Collapse <b class='item_title'>Status</b>Status
Type: Regular Transfer
Status: Approved
Begin Date: n/a
End Date: n/a
Collapse Proposed ActionProposed Action
Character of Use
Collapse Orders associated with rights in the transferOrders associated with rights in the transfer
27-3407/21/1976APPROVES TRANSFER APPL NO. 3396
36-2326/8/1982LOSS OF RIGHT, TRANSFER 3396
46-4199/8/1992APPROVED T-6681
46-4229/8/1992CANCELLED CERTIFICATE 43777

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Processing History
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Staff Person Responsible: no caseworker currently assigned

Process StepDate InitiatedDate CompletedComments
CBU Due  
Final Order Issued7/21/19767/21/1976

Rights this impacts
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Results of the transfer
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Cert:43777 (T 3396 RR) CNS25800S2482543777