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Collapse Decree: POWDER RIVER   <a href=''>document</a>Decree: POWDER RIVER document
Volume-Page: 5-322
Signature: 3/20/1918
Collapse Certificate: 73545  <a href=''>document</a> Certificate: 73545 document
Staff Person Responsible: no caseworker currently assigned
Signature: 2/25/1997
Type: Remaining
Collapse Order(s)Order(s)
Order OriginVolume-PageSignatureDescription
Special51-1482/28/1997APPROVES HB 3111/SB 129 BAKER VALLEY IRRIGATION DISTRICT AND AS A RESULT CERTS 73405 73406 73407 73408 73599 AND 73999
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Status: Non-Cancelled
County: Baker
Basin: Powder
Authority: HB3111
File Folder Location: Salem
Watermaster District: 8

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Document TypeDocument TitleDateRemarks
DecreePowder River3/20/1918 
CertificateCertificate 73545 Image2/25/1997 
OrderOrder Image - Volume: 51 Page: 1482/28/1997APPROVES HB 3111/SB 129 BAKER VALLEY IRRIGATION DISTRICT AND AS A RESULT CERTS 73405 73406 73407 73408 73599 AND 73999

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Expand <a href='water_right_research_query.aspx?snp_id=125905&pod_location_id=144774'> POD 1 - ELK CREEK > POWDER RIVER</a> POD 1 - ELK CREEK > POWDER RIVER
Expand <a href='water_right_research_query.aspx?snp_id=125905&pod_location_id=144775'> POD 2 - POWDER R/SPRS > SNAKE RIVER</a> POD 2 - POWDER R/SPRS > SNAKE RIVER

Place(s) of Use
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Expand <table style='width: 400px; white-space: pre-wrap;'><tr><td>Use - IRRIGATION</td></tr></table> (Primary) - 67.3 acres; Priority Date: 12/31/1872
(Primary) - 67.3 acres; Priority Date: 12/31/1872
Expand <table style='width: 400px; white-space: pre-wrap;'><tr><td>Use - IRRIGATION</td></tr></table> (Primary) - 34.0 acres; Priority Date: 12/31/1884
(Primary) - 34.0 acres; Priority Date: 12/31/1884

Water Right Genealogy
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