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PO BOX 388
DONALD, OR 97020

Processing History
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Expand Application: G 9938  Application: G 9938
Collapse Permit: G 18895  <a href=''>document</a> , <a href=''>paper map</a> Permit: G 18895 document , paper map
Signature: 4/16/2024
Process StepDate CompletedResultCompleted By
Completion Date [C Date]10/1/1998  
Proposed Certificate Mailing5/24/2019 CODI HOLMES
Extension Application Received9/23/2019 JEFFREY PIERCEALL
Extension Comment Period Ends10/31/2019 JEFFREY PIERCEALL
Extension PFO 315 Issued10/6/2020Propose to ApproveJEFFREY PIERCEALL
Extension PFO Protest Period Ends11/20/2020Propose to ApproveJEFFREY PIERCEALL
Extended Completion Date [Extension C Date]12/18/2020 JEFFREY PIERCEALL
Extension FO Issued12/18/2020ApprovedJEFFREY PIERCEALL
Collapse Order(s)Order(s)
Order OriginVolume-PageSignatureDescription
Special38-2255/1/1984EXTENDS 266 PERMITS
Special43-1043/8/1989EXT ORDER - APPROX 120 PERMITS
Collapse Transfer(s)Transfer(s)
TransferTransfer typeStatus
T13733 ()Permit Amendment TransferApproved
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Water Right Information
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Status: Non-Cancelled
County: Marion
Basin: Willamette
File Folder Location: Salem
Watermaster District: 16

Scanned Documents
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Records per page:
Document TypeDocument TitleDateRemarks
OrderOrder Image - Volume: 38 Page: 2255/1/1984EXTENDS 266 PERMITS
OrderOrder Image - Volume: 43 Page: 1043/8/1989EXT ORDER - APPROX 120 PERMITS
OrderOrder Image - Volume: 48 Page: 1132/9/1994EXTENDS TIME LIMITS ON PERMITS
Order - Extension of TimeExtension PFO10/6/2020 
Order - Extension of TimeExtension FO12/18/2020 
PermitPermit G18895 Map Image4/16/2024 
PermitPermit G18895 Image4/16/2024 

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Point(s) of Diversion
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Expand <a href='water_right_research_query.aspx?snp_id=225484&pod_location_id=383655'> POD 1 - A WELL > SENECAL CREEK</a> POD 1 - A WELL > SENECAL CREEK
Expand <a href='water_right_research_query.aspx?snp_id=225484&pod_location_id=383656'> POD 2 - A WELL > SENECAL CREEK</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' target='_blank'>(View Groundwater Site MARI0000563)</a> POD 2 - A WELL > SENECAL CREEK   (View Groundwater Site MARI0000563)
Expand <a href='water_right_research_query.aspx?snp_id=225484&pod_location_id=383657'> POD 3 - A WELL > SENECA CREEK</a> POD 3 - A WELL > SENECA CREEK
Expand <a href='water_right_research_query.aspx?snp_id=225484&pod_location_id=383658'> POD 4 - A WELL > SENECA CREEK</a> POD 4 - A WELL > SENECA CREEK
Expand <a href='water_right_research_query.aspx?snp_id=225484&pod_location_id=383659'> POD 5 - A WELL > SENECA CREEK</a> POD 5 - A WELL > SENECA CREEK

Place(s) of Use
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Expand <table style='width: 400px; white-space: pre-wrap;'><tr><td>Use - MUNICIPAL USES</td></tr></table> (Primary); Priority Date: 9/16/1980
(Primary); Priority Date: 9/16/1980

Water Right Genealogy
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