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ECHO, OR 97826

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Expand Application: G 6476  Application: G 6476
Expand Permit: G 5275  <a href=''>document</a> , <a href=''>paper map</a> Permit: G 5275 document , paper map
Collapse Order(s)Order(s)
Order OriginVolume-PageSignatureDescription
Special51-9949/3/1997DIMINISH CERTIFICATE 61530
Special54-4606/14/2000APPROVES TEMP T-8510 POU
Special56-2064/22/2002APPROVING TEMP DIST T-9061
Collapse Transfer(s)Transfer(s)
TransferTransfer typeStatus
T9061 (Confirming)District Temporary TransferApproved
Unable to view right in new web mapping because this water right is not currently mapped.
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Water Right Information
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Status: Expired (10/31/2002)
County: Umatilla
Basin: Umatilla
File Folder Location: Salem
Watermaster District: 5

Scanned Documents
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Records per page:
Document TypeDocument TitleDateRemarks
PermitPermit G5275 Image1/13/1975 
PermitPermit G5275 Map Image1/13/1975 
OrderOrder Image - Volume: 51 Page: 9949/3/1997DIMINISH CERTIFICATE 61530
OrderOrder Image - Volume: 54 Page: 4606/14/2000APPROVES TEMP T-8510 POU
OrderOrder Image - Volume: 56 Page: 2064/22/2002APPROVING TEMP DIST T-9061

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Point(s) of Diversion
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Expand POD 1 - A WELL > UMATILLA RIVER; EX&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' target='_blank'>(View Groundwater Site UMAT0001235)</a>POD 1 - A WELL > UMATILLA RIVER; EX   (View Groundwater Site UMAT0001235)
Expand POD 2 - A WELL > UMATILLA RIVER; EX&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' target='_blank'>(View Groundwater Site UMAT0001226)</a>POD 2 - A WELL > UMATILLA RIVER; EX   (View Groundwater Site UMAT0001226)
Expand POD 3 - A WELL > UMATILLA RIVER; EX&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' target='_blank'>(View Groundwater Site UMAT0001232)</a>POD 3 - A WELL > UMATILLA RIVER; EX   (View Groundwater Site UMAT0001232)
Expand POD 4 - A WELL > UMATILLA RIVER; EX&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' target='_blank'>(View Groundwater Site UMAT0001233)</a>POD 4 - A WELL > UMATILLA RIVER; EX   (View Groundwater Site UMAT0001233)

Place(s) of Use
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Expand <table style='width: 400px; white-space: pre-wrap;'><tr><td>Use - IRRIGATION</td></tr></table> (Primary) - 34.6 acres; Priority Date: 3/26/1974
(Primary) - 34.6 acres; Priority Date: 3/26/1974
Expand <table style='width: 400px; white-space: pre-wrap;'><tr><td>Use - SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION</td></tr></table> (Supplemental) - 1310.9 acres; Priority Date: 3/26/1974
(Supplemental) - 1310.9 acres; Priority Date: 3/26/1974

Water Right Genealogy
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